The ABSOLUT global campaign that ran for more than 1500 executions. It is known to be the longest running pure campaign in the history.

Creative Brief
The brief that was given to us was pretty precise and right to the point:
Create an ABSOLUT ad in a format of a single page, A4 (vertical) with the main title: ABSOLUT SOCIAL.
The main title must be mandatorily positioned at the base of the poster and the font should be Futura Extrabold Condensed. Express your creativity just with the visual. The format is strict and the main title is your creative brief.
The first step is to understand the concept and the meaning of the word: social.
Developing a Concept
When we hear the word “social” we usually think about being with other people and interacting with them.
The core essence of “social” to me involves meaningful contact and exchange between people. It’s about belonging, support, learning from each other, and achieving more together than you could alone.
The key associations that I put on sticky notes as you can see on the right are: Relationships, Communication, Community, Engagement, Teamwork, Entertaining.
Based on these understanding the design process can now be started.

Design Executions
In executions the visual try to show a diverse group of people standing together, their positions forming the iconic silhouette of an Absolut vodka bottle.
The individuals are from different genders, ages, ethnicities and personalities, symbolizing the diversity and inclusiveness of social connections. Their close stance portray warmth, joy and togetherness.
The concept is to demonstrate the role of Absolut to bring people together to have fun and create friendship.

Made with

Adobe Photoshop