Graphic Design

Hermes is a very well-known language school in Iran. They needed a new unique certificate design for all of their courses, including young and adult levels.

Notable Design Features

Background Texture

A special sort of artwork was designed in the background of all certificates with specific forgery prevention in mind. These lines would make any kind of content tampering very hard and nearly impossible.

Interactive PDF

The designs were delivered in interactive PDF mode. So the person responsible for issuing the certificates, could simply edit specified fields using their PDF reader software. so no other knowledge of advanced programs were needed. All the fonts and assets were embed in the PDF files

Pocket and Family Friends

Here is a preview of all certificates for pocket and family and friends levels. The certificates for adult levels are not included in these previews.

popup image
popup image

Tools Used

The designs were first made in Adobe Photoshop and then transferred to Acrobat for implementing interactive features.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Acrobat

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Graphic Design